Efi Cruise is back with a thought-provoking new single titled “Common Sense.” In this latest release, the self-acclaimed Bayside Boy takes on the role of an observer, addressing societal norms and unhealthy practices prevalent in his community. With insightful lyrics and a captivating sound, Efi continues to establish his unique voice within the music industry.
“Common Sense” features a rich instrumentation that perfectly complements Efi’s vocal patterns. The fusion of guitars, jazzy keys, and groovy bass creates an engaging soundscape that is unmistakably a classic Efi Cruise track. This song is a testament to his artistry, blending various genres while delivering a powerful message.
Efi Cruise describes his music as “Southern Afro-Jazz,” a genre that artfully combines elements of Jazz, Afro-Beats, Highlife, Hip-Hop, and Funk. This distinctive style has allowed him to carve a niche for himself in the Afro-Jazz creative space, especially following the release of his debut deluxe studio album, “Mirrors.”
Known for his unique scat-singing technique—a style commonly associated with Jazz and Bebop musicians—Efi effortlessly floats on the bar with his vocals. His performances are characterized by a playful yet powerful delivery, showcasing stamina and flexibility that captivates his audience. Efi is more than just a musician; he is a true lover of life, pouring his passion into every note.
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